看完独立庆典后,2008年也就是每个政治人物必怕的一年,也就是“拿成绩单”的一年,第十二届全国大选。平时没什么服务的,或滥权滥到鬼样的人民代议士 都会被逼“下车”,竟然还有人赖着不肯走,我说啊!!你都服务了那么久,成绩有没有都是有目共睹的啦,你以为党领袖们都瞎了眼的是吗??想当年你把人家挤 下车都是差不多罢了,这叫做恶性循环,为了大家好下台,还是算了吧,候选人一出就真的很难再更换人选的啦~~不要再做垂死挣扎了啦~~就还是那句咯,想当 年你把人家挤下车都是差不多罢了~~
现在这时候,布条挂的满街是,其实真的有这个必要吗??如果平时都会走过来巴刹,关心一下民生课题,都应该会有一些浓浓的中选期望吧~~不止满街都是布 条,就连报章和电子媒体时不时都刊登或播出那些拉票的广告,不是说好了不能用电子媒体来做宣传的吗??真的是以为放个投马来西亚一票就可以掩人耳目吗?? 真的是兵不厌诈,有时看到这些广告都觉得无奈,他们真的以为
天秤=马来西亚 啊??
还有那些传单,那些候选人的学历写到真的是高到,难道学历高就真的能为人民服务??而且还在插这个插那个,批评执政党的不是,执政党就批评反对党的不是, 每次掀开报章都会看到政治人物之间的骂战,大不了都是隔几张纸罢了。我觉得选民们心中都有了他们的人选了,骂战只会显示出他们为了权利可以表现的那么无知 和小孩子,小学都学过的了,要互相尊重,难道我骂你一句,你骂会我一句就真的能表示出你多么地能干吗??又或者是通过骂战就能够影响选票??本人认为选民 都是利用着看戏的心态来看这些骂战的咯~~还说到要辩论,每一届都是这样的啦~~真的是如果连政治人物都不以身作则,如何教导下一代呢??!!回说那些海 报和传单,真的是无所不有,还真的写到如果支持什么政党就会有什么利益,把自己捧到接近神的境界,我说啊~~拉票归拉票,别那么不知羞耻啦~~那些接近不 可能的事就别真的说出来嘛~~万一真的是中选了,开个空头支票是一种超不负责任的事情哦!!不过我看有哪个政治人物会考虑到这点呢,他们现在应该都只顾着 自己的饭碗吧~~
巫统竞选117个国会议席,但只赢了74个。而州会那方面则竞选了336个,而只胜了235个,成绩明显跌了很多,而且幅度是超大的!!就连khir toyo,zainuddin mayidin 和 sharizat 都被拉下。奇怪的事那khairy竟然能够胜出,真的是命大!!
生存者剩下pak lah,najib,hishamuddin 和 khairy。其他的生存者恕我不太了解~~
说实在的,国阵这次的败因绝大多数都是来自国家政策。据我了解,最主要的应该是那太空人计划吧!!浪费了一笔很大的钱去送一个太空人上去,真正的目的到底 是什么呢??我看都瞒难猜出吧~~难道是要证明大马能??华人是一个比较会精打细算的种族,知道这算盘打不响了就大力反对,但他们选择不理。其实个人觉得 那么庞大的计划,理应询问全国人民的意愿,是否应该执行,而不是果断的决定及草率。现在,太空人回来了,在做什么呢??变了普腾的代言人??那所谓的研究 有没有结果呢??
总检察斯报告显示很多政府部门浪费了国家资源,尤其是在购买用品的方面!!学校用的手提电脑,打印机和projector都是利用了相当高的价钱购买,比 市价来的高出很多倍!!不止这样,politeknik学校说采用的螺丝钉就可以证明了,其实为什么他们没察觉到呢??价钱表来得酱高,他们应该有所察觉 吧,但就真的......难道贪污这事件出现了??天晓得~~~有在一次,他们没给了个正当的答案。
刚新建的政府大楼,国会大厦以及新的法庭。国会大厦可是一栋相当重要的地方,供议员们商量国家大事的地方,当才装修了那几天就出现了漏水事件,天花板崩塌 的事件以及是全东南亚最大的法庭竟发现安全设施有问题!!奇怪啊~~三美兄,你是否有交待清楚呢??请不要以为只要在国会里大喊大叫就可以解决事情哦~~ 现在被拉下马了,知道是什么问题吧~~
如果要怪大路起价的问题,本人觉得是这epu部门,也就是ekonomi pembangunan unit部门在作祟,不能全怪三美,他只是接受那部门的指令才采取行动的,epu是一个负责掌管国家经济的重要部门,可能觉得某地方出了问题才提出提升道路的价钱的把~~
种族偏激论。我们的khairy大兄对媒体们透露槟城浮罗山背的马来人被边缘化,首席部长理应换成土著。大兄啊,你起码都是牛津大学毕业的,又是巫青团副 团长,说话可不可以经过大脑呢??被边缘化...那我们华人呢,大学固打制,新经济政策以及上市公司土著固打制,这些情形应该算什么呢??事情闹大后就一 躲了之,责怪媒体翻译错误...
不过,如反对党当选,是否真的能够解决现在的问题呢??不要为了一时的气而断送了国家的前程!!现在反对党对州控制权产生了矛盾,是否能解决还有待观察。 是否能如大家所愿把国家管理得更繁荣呢??大家都说投火箭,最实际,但其实反对党是否能把人民的意愿实践出来呢??到底是投党好还是投候选人好点呢??就 让时间证明一切吧~~
wow... a person who always pay attention to the current issue had voice out his thought..
Wah,Brother!u are politician??u know so many issues regarding the government..!I think u sure support MCA.....But,i'm sure u lack of somethings about DAP...Type DAP in youtube c wat's DAP do...why we need DAP....Think ur self!!!
hey brother!!firstly,thanks for the comment even thought you left it with anonymous,i'm really appreciate what had you comment.but to be frank,i'm not belong to any party for your information.if you think my way of writing really lye on MCA,sorry but i still wanted to say that i'm just try to be just and analyze it through a very center point of view,i don't try to praise or scold any parties,just wanted to judge them through the performance that they had done.Anyway,about the DAP,i have no comment on it because is your point of view,i cant really deny or agree on it and thanks for voicing out though.
there is no use to cry over the spilt milk.
accept the truth.
i never cry and never said that i can't accept the truth...
i want to make a clear stand with you,do you know about how to respect??i respect you leaving a comment over here and i never question you anything but you kept pushing me...watch your mouth boy,i never offended you...
lamex2 for you...
why??sorry,i'm not a boy......well,are u come from Kepong?
"Analysis from a centre point of view". good quote, and next thing you said bout voting other parties would bring disaster to our country. seems like you rather succumb to the counterproductive ruling of BN, which has resulted in snail pace development in the past few...or should i say many many years. people of your kind has been the obstacles to the well being of citizens. unless you enjoy the rising price of petrol, and all other items. i bet you're not the one who's taking care of the expenditure of your family, then you'll realise how naive you are.
p/s : government run by incompetent politician will never be flourish.
here comes another one...i'm really tired of explaining all these stuffs...i never said voting other parties will bring disaster to country,i never mention,i'm just asking whether will they bring prosperous to our country ornot,i'm just doubt can they do it ornot...and i didn't say that the particular party will confirmed well handle our country...
really Zzz~~~~since you complaining so much....you go and be the minister lah~~~~just don't know why the people like to pick up some argument lately...i just try to voice out my opinion and tonnes of flamming post kept popping out from no where,since i never said or mention about it...Zzzz....
Undeniably, the victory of the opposition party has been revolutionary---hence the hot dispute from the Malaysian community. However, does this victory represents the strength of the opposition party?
Not exactly. If you would analyze carefully you will find that the voters don't vote base on the quality of the candidates---they vote the opposition not because they believe in the strength of the opposition party candidates but the fact that BN government has become so corrupt that they wish to reduce the majority seat of the BN.
So, if the opposition can seize this chance and rule the state well, they will be able to build their reputation as a candidate for the governance of the federal government. Failing to do this(which is possible), the opposition will return to its previous state, or worse.
p/s : I agree with Ethan, that not every single social issue should be 100% associated with BN. The soaring oil price and the ever intensify inflation, is a global trend. The inefficiency of government economy policy do aggravate this---but the main cause is still the lack of production of petroleum from the Middle East to meet the rising demand. The subprime mortgage crisis in America, which cause a recession nationwide, help contribute to this as well. As for increasing crime rate---despite blaming the police force for their inefficiency, you should realise the fact that citizens are no longer as righteous as before. We are getting more selfish, self-centered and cold.
Lol so many people concern about it, our country got a brighter future ady xD
Keep going ethan...
hey,ethan..why not u talk or voice up ur comments to Abdullah email??or u dun have it?try this Abdullah_VS_Ethan@MCA.com
@Hikari no Hohenheim
the situation still the same...i dont hope that my blog became a flammer gathering...if you wish to flame somebody please open your own blog which stated "flammer please come in",i don't wanted to see any argument or "flammable" posted at here...i just don't know why when people voicing their comment,please be respectful...
@Dark Knight Arthas
thanks for the comment friend,at last i heard some useful comment unlike others just kept complaining only but do nothing....
well,you can't say that because concerning and executing is 2 totally different case...haha...
What happened??!!
you seems very humour...
@Hikari no Hohenheim
again and again...you just say whatever you wanted,i have knew what are you going to write in your next comment...sorry to tell you that i wont allow my blog to became your flamming device,especially towards the government,i don't want to stick any of your shit on me just because of your irresponsible comment...talking about shallow,well,i have no idea how to response with that,i think you should really think about who is the more shallow minded and please learn how to respect others before others can respect you...i will respect you until the day you really did something to our races in order to bring up our races status in this country..but it won't happened right,for you...
haha.. funny reading.
long time ago since i clicked ur website link XD
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